cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users
curl-users Archives
- "Web Scraping for Web Services Programmers"
- (OT sort of)SMS using PHP
- --trace option
- [ curl-Bugs-732841 ] EAGAIN/EINTR not checked after on recv in Transfer.c
- [ curl-Bugs-732845 ] visual studio compiled link error on v7.10.4
- [ curl-Bugs-733431 ] delivered file ca-bundle.crt must name curl-ca-bundle.crt
- [ curl-Bugs-735752 ] ldap output is garbled
- [ curl-Bugs-741193 ] -O option does not apply to config file urls
- [ curl-Bugs-741258 ] support for name:password in *_proxy env var
- [ curl-Bugs-741841 ] SOCKS5 proxy and user authentication
- [ curl-Bugs-742390 ] http header and socks5
- [ curl-Bugs-745122 ] Unable to connect to broken SSL servers
- A note of thanks ...
- a poor telnet example -- but you don't have to enter the password
- Advise and Information request
- ANNOUNCE: curl and libcurl 7.10.5
- bug/feature in progress?
- Building cURL without dependencies on libcurl/openssl so's
- Checking HTTP/Server with curl
- Configuration Question
- connection and security -- a question
- curl gmake test fails
- curl multiple web pages
- curl with cronjob
- cURL, secure session cookies and following 302 re-directs
- curl-7.10.5 sys/select.h
- Download entire website
- ECHO responses
- Found out why the 60K request is failing but unsure how to fix it
- ftp uploads
- Help!! https is giving me error 405
- hostip alias bug?
- How to specify a DNS server
- How To Unsubscribe
- https and certs
- HTTPS Put using Curl
- https, redirection and authentication using POST
- Initial SSL connection problem with libcurl
- libcurl (perl) FTP download using wildcards
- login POST with php/libcurl
- META TAG is not received?
- Missing semicolon
- patch
- name+passwd in proxy environment variables
- Pass extra Header
- POST data goes into second packet.
- Problem with --continue-at
- Problems with a POST passing over 60k of data
- Query on cURL?
- question: HTTP UPLOAD POST
- remove
- running tests under Cygwin
- server works with curl 7.9.8, but not 7.10.4 and above
- src/Makefile.vc6
- ssl callback
- SUMMARY: login POST with php/libcurl
- Trying not to use LD_LIBRARY_PATH
- Trying to download authenticated file
- Unsuscirbe
- WARNING: ## Report this to ##
- what's left for 7.10.5?
- Working with
- Last message date: 2003-05-31
- Archived on: 2015-06-18 CEST