cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Re: cURL, secure session cookies and following 302 re-directs

From: Ralph Mitchell <>
Date: Fri, 02 May 2003 00:07:43 -0500

Silly question here, but I guess someone has to ask it: you are
engaging the cookie engine, right?

Something like:

    curl -s -S -L -b cookies -c cookies

Ralph Mitchell


> I was hoping someone could provide some assistance with an issue I'm
> having with curl.My problem is this: I need to use curl to hit a page
> over HTTPS which will send a secure session cookie back and then issue
> an HTTP 302 re-direct to another URL.The second URL checks to verify
> that the secure session cookie is present and then validates some
> information present in the cookie.I can't seem to make curl keep this
> cookie information and provide it when making the second URL
> request.Any thoughts on how I can do this?Is there something I'm
> missing?
> Any help would be appreciated - thanks in advance.
> Chris Hart

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Received on 2003-05-02