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curl gmake test fails

From: usha <>
Date: Wed, 14 May 2003 09:38:59 +0530


Testing the curl v7.10.2, my gmake test fails for the 16 tests, listed
below. Have anyone else come across this and have solution. Testcase
analysis tells that netrc_debug is not set and so skips tests 130 - 134:

The failed tests are listed below: (Also my gmake test log is herewith
 test 019...[attempt connect to non-listening socket]
  error OK
 test 020...[attempt connect to non-existing host name]
  error OK
 test 021...[use curl with multiple request methods]
  error OK
 test 022...[get HTTP with URL > 10000 bytes]
  data OK protocol OK
 test 023...[unsupported protocol:// URL]
  error OK
 test 024...[HTTP GET fail silently on HTTP error return]
  error OK protocol OK
 test 025...[looping HTTP Location: following with --max-redirs, no
  error OK data OK protocol OK
 test 026...[specify more -o than URLs]
  data OK protocol OK
 test 027...[Get same cookie page several times]
  data OK protocol OK
 test 028...[HTTP Location: following with extra spaces in header]
  data OK protocol OK
 test 029...[HTTP with 2 secs timeout]
  error OK data OK protocol OK
 test 030...[HTTP with no data in server reply]
 error OK protocol OK
 test 037...[HTTP GET with nothing returned from server]
  error OK protocol OK
 test 038...[HTTP resume request without server supporting it]
  error OK protocol OK output OK
 test 039...[HTTP RFC1867-type formposting with filename= and type=]
test 111...[FTP download resume beyond file size]
 error OK protocol OK
test 112...[FTP PASV upload resume]
 upload OK protocol OK
test 113...[FTP download, failed login: USER not valid]
 error OK protocol OK
test 114...[FTP download, failed login: PASS not valid]
 error OK protocol OK
test 115...[FTP download, failed PASV]
 error OK protocol OK
test 116...[FTP download, failed PORT]
 error OK protocol OK
test 117...[FTP download, failed TYPE]
 error OK protocol OK
test 118...[FTP download, failed RETR]
 error OK protocol OK
test 119...[FTP download, failed RETR with PORT]
 error OK protocol OK
 test 125...[FTP download, failed CWD]
  error OK protocol OK
test 190...[FTP download with strict timeout and slow CWD]
 error OK protocol OK
test 201...[missing file:// file]
 error OK

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Received on 2003-05-14