cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Re: Initial SSL connection problem with libcurl

From: Ralph Mitchell <>
Date: Fri, 02 May 2003 23:55:11 -0500

Nicholas Parsons wrote:

> >>If Suse is like Redhat in this aspect, they may have shipped whatever version they found lying around when it was time for release...
> I doubt this. I tried to remove the curl package using rpm -e
> and discovered that YOU (YaST Online Update) depends on that
> package so I couldn't uninstall it.
> I guess I will try to install the old version that worked. I just
> have to make sure I don't overwrite the "other" version that SuSE's
> YOU uses in the process.

I generally use --prefix to install new versions of curl under /usr/local/curl-x.x.x and once I'm happy that it still does what I expect, I move my /usr/local/curl
symbolic link to point to the latest. That way I can keep multiple earlier versions around just in case.

This allows you to almost totally ignore the distro-supplied version, provided that /usr/local/curl is in your path *before* whatever directorythe supplied one lives

Ralph Mitchell

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Received on 2003-05-03