cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


RE: src/Makefile.vc6

From: David Byron <>
Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 12:37:00 -0700

> I think the developers tend to hang out more on the curl-library list.

Should I have had this whole discussion on the curl-library list? I have
cgywin, but I need to build a version of curl that doesn't depend on it, so
I figured I'd use the Makefile.vc6. Maybe some folks use .NET?

Anyway, here's the patch. I can't say I really like it. I couldn't find an
nmake equivalent for MAKECMDGOALS which would have made my life easier.

I can't see to make erase really be silent, and I think the way the object
files get built should be cleaner. But, typing make twice doesn't do
anything, and things get put in separate directories.


David Byron         
6591 Dumbarton Circle         voice:(510)818-5550
Fremont, CA  94555            fax:(510)818-5510

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Received on 2003-05-21