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Re: Increase in CPU usage in 8.7.1 vs 8.6.0 for rate-limited downloads

From: Dmitry Karpov via curl-library <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2024 18:36:36 +0000

That basically means that you are asking for a new feature (i.e. build option etc), which would allow you to sacrifice speed limit precision but will limit CPU usage during throttling.

For my use cases, it is not an option I would like to use – I need to have a quite precise speed limit for my application (which both 8.7.1 and 7.84 provide) and somewhat higher CPU usage price for a precision is not an issue for me.

Dmitry Karpov

From: curl-library <> On Behalf Of David Pfitzner via curl-library
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2024 1:00 AM
To: libcurl development <>
Cc: David Pfitzner <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Increase in CPU usage in 8.7.1 vs 8.6.0 for rate-limited downloads

On Thu, May 16, 2024 at 4:57 AM Dmitry Karpov via curl-library <<>> wrote:

I think that CPU usage with this commit should be compared to previous releases, like 7.84.0, which had a quite precise speed limit.

I had a look at curl version 7.84.0, and indeed it does appear very similar to 8.7.1, both in terms of rate-limiting accuracy and CPU usage. But that does not change that I would ideally like more control over the tradeoff between CPU usage and rate-limiting accuracy.

-- David

Received on 2024-06-20