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Re: Increase in CPU usage in 8.7.1 vs 8.6.0 for rate-limited downloads

From: David Pfitzner via curl-library <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2024 17:33:43 +0930

On Wed, May 15, 2024 at 9:45 PM <> wrote:

> > On 15. 5. 2024, at 13:03, David Pfitzner via curl-library <
>> wrote:
> > I have not looked at that carefully, but casually I don't see much
> difference if any. But possibly closer inspection may find a systematic
> difference. I also suspect one may see bigger differences in some regime
> different to what I'm looking at - eg, smaller files.
> Custom built curl ? If so config flags ? Platform/arch ?
> This is with FreeBSD on amd64, using mostly-standard port, but also
compiling "manually" from source for some testing (with similar results).
The latter using:
./configure --with-openssl --disable-shared --enable-debug

-- David

Received on 2024-06-20