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Re: Increase in CPU usage in 8.7.1 vs 8.6.0 for rate-limited downloads

From: David Pfitzner via curl-library <>
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2024 08:39:51 +0930

On Fri, Jun 21, 2024 at 4:06 AM Dmitry Karpov via curl-library <> wrote:

> That basically means that you are asking for a new feature (i.e. build
> option etc), which would allow you to sacrifice speed limit precision but
> will limit CPU usage during throttling.

Actually, I wasn't thinking of a build option, but rather a per request
(CURLOPT_FOO) option. Yes, it would be a new feature.

> For my use cases, it is not an option I would like to use – I need to have
> a quite precise speed limit for my application (which both 8.7.1 and 7.84
> provide) and somewhat higher CPU usage price for a precision is not an
> issue for me.

Given such an option, then when desired you could also use it to specify
_more_ precision than the current default behavior provides.

-- David

Received on 2024-06-21