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Collection of feature requests from the Debian side

From: Samuel Henrique via curl-library <>
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2024 19:11:53 +0100

Hello everyone,

As per the template for filling issues on Github (implies one should not open
an issue there), I'm sending this email with a few feature requests that I've
collected for the past months.

1) Cross-buildable zsh and fish completions

Right now, the only issue we have with cross-building curl on Debian is that we
are not shipping the zsh and fish completions.

This is something that can be addressed on the packaging side with a few
workarounds, but we end up just not building/shipping them instead.

Note that we never cross-build for our official packages, but we do test
support for that and do as much as we can to provide that possibility to our

2) curl CLI: allow multiple URLs for "-C/--continue-at - <URL>" (in a single

When a user wants to download multiple URLs using the "-C,--continue-at -"
approach (automatically find out where/how to resume the transfer), it doesn't
seems possible to provide more than a single URL.

It would be nice to be able to provide multiple URLs in the same command as the
user would also be able to ask for the downloads to happen in parallel with
"-Z, --parallel". Assuming this combination of parameters would work, otherwise
supporting parallel on this usecase would be another feature request. Going
even further, allowing the user to also set "-#, --progress-bar" on top of it
all would be nice.

I do not know how much sense there is in implementing this on the curl CLI, it
depends on how you view its goals. I'm requesting this from the POV of the
usability for the end user.

3) curl CLI: allow both -C/--continue-at and -J/--remote-header-name to be set

It would be nice to have both features enabled at the same time, right now the
user gets this:
curl: --continue-at and --remote-header-name cannot be combined

The end goal would be to allow for the user to also add -O,--remote-name on top
of that, making curl try to guess a name using Content-Disposition first, then
falling back to the logic of --remote-name (this might be another feature

Just as FR#2, the importance of this one depends on the goals of the curl CLI,
since a user can always create a wrapper that does some back-and-forth and
accomplishes this behavior (if they don't want to deal directly with the
library, at least).


Samuel Henrique <samueloph>
Received on 2024-06-09