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Fwd: OpenSSL 1.x support?

From: Alexander Dyagilev via curl-library <>
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2024 15:51:43 +0700

Sorry, forgot to do reply-to-all. Stupid gmail ui...

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Alexander Dyagilev <>
Date: Sun, Jun 9, 2024 at 8:39 AM
Subject: Re: OpenSSL 1.x support?
To: Daniel Stenberg <>

Yes, this OpenSSL 3 version was installed into /usr/local by Homebrew.
So, you think it's Homebew's fault? In my opinion, if I set an explicit
path to OpenSSL, it must be used instead of any other locations. Thus,
-isystem must never be used for custom paths to libs. Am I wrong? Why?

On Sat, Jun 8, 2024 at 5:24 PM Daniel Stenberg <> wrote:

> On Sat, 8 Jun 2024, Alexander Dyagilev via curl-library wrote:
> > Well, this is bad, because this isystem flag is definitely not working
> as
> > expected. I think it's not OpenSSL 1.x only related issue. I just did
> not
> > notice it. I think it was still using too old v3 installed in my system
> > instead of the latest version which I built on my own.
> We've built curl with the isystem flag for twenty years. It seems unlikely
> that you would be the only one getting problems if it did not work at
> least
> reasonably well.
> I believe it is something else. Are you using homebrew? Do they still set
> the
> OpenSSL include in their default path? Is that OpenSSL 1.x perhaps?
> --
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Received on 2024-06-09