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Re: Collection of feature requests from the Debian side

From: Daniel Stenberg via curl-library <>
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2024 08:47:32 +0200 (CEST)

On Sun, 9 Jun 2024, Samuel Henrique via curl-library wrote:

> 1) Cross-buildable zsh and fish completions

The scripts/ needs to be updated to instead use source code or
manpage sources instead of the output from "curl --help all".

The downside with that compared to now is that it needs to be generated at
build-time, while the current script can be ran by any user who has the curl
tool installed.

> 2) curl CLI: allow multiple URLs for "-C/--continue-at - <URL>" (in a single
> command)

Separate them with --next and it should work?

> Going even further, allowing the user to also set "-#, --progress-bar" on
> top of it all would be nice.

You mean with parallel transfers or with -C ? How is -# not working now?

> 3) curl CLI: allow both -C/--continue-at and -J/--remote-header-name to be set

This would require curl to first do a HEAD request to figure out what the
final destination name is supposed to be, check the size of the local file and
then do a second "real" request that can include the Range: header.

Possible for sure, just a little complicated and a two-shot combo that we
don't do for anything else in the tool.

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Received on 2024-06-10