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Goal: for every setopt, have at least one stand-alone example

From: Daniel Stenberg via curl-library <>
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2023 10:35:45 +0200 (CEST)


I started this new little project of mine that I figure maybe someone else
would consider joining.

The idea is simple: for every existing option we have to curl_easy_setopt(),
there should be at least one full-size stand-alone example (in docs/examples/)
showing how it could be used.

We already have this helpful page on the site that shows exactly which options
that alredy are "covered" by one or more examples:

As you can see there, we have a bit of work ahead of us. I expect this work to
take a while to finish.

The easiest way to help out, is to identify an existing example that could
also use an additional previously not used option in a sensible way.
Alternatively we create an entirely new file that shows use of the option in
question. Then submit the improvement as a normal pull request. Then continue
with another.

The complete set of stand-alone examples are listed here:

In the mean time I am going to work on adding links to a set of examples using
this option to the webpages on the site that document each individual option.

If we for example go to the webpage for the CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER option, we
should be provided with a set of links to stand-alone examples using
CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER. To help users understand how to use the option in a real
context, when the man page text and its limited example is not enough.

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Received on 2023-06-09