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Re: Digest auth issues, possibly related to QOP

From: Ray Satiro via curl-users <>
Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2022 02:54:11 -0400

On 8/8/2022 12:13 PM, false via curl-users wrote:
> When performing a http request using Digest auth, is there a way to
> disable QOP support?  Or a way to turn on more debugging besides using
> the trace option.
> I cannot get curl working with digest against my firewall and I am
> suspect about QOP
> Output:
> I always get these messages: 23:36:35.194457 * schannel:
> InitializeSecurityContext failed: SEC_E_QOP_NOT_SUPPORTED (0x8009030A)
> - The per-message Quality of Protection is not supported by the
> security package
> 23:36:35.197811 * Connection #1 to host left intact
> curl: (94) An authentication function returned an error

There is a known issue that the SHA-256 digest is not supported in
Windows SSPI builds [1] (that is, your version of Windows doesn't
support it), and that is the only way I know of that error occurring.
Use verbose mode to verify.

If that is the problem, you would have to build curl without SSPI
support. Most curl build systems will have a way to do this, you will
have to check the documentation for the one you are using. For example,
for the winbuild build system the command line option is ENABLE_SSPI=no
and for the autotools build system it is --disable-sspi.

If that is not the problem then we will need the curl_version() and a
server WWW-Authenticate header that can be used to reproduce the issue.


Received on 2022-08-10