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Re: Where is curlx_dyn_addn defined?

From: Rainer Canavan via curl-library <>
Date: Fri, 31 May 2024 13:42:45 +0200

On Wed, May 29, 2024 at 7:39 PM Bill Pierce via curl-library
<> wrote:
> Daniel, I don't want to build libcurl, at least not at the moment. I want to use the functions in libcurl by incorporating their source files into my little test program, sort of like the curl tool does. That way I can put in breakpoints, single-step and look at variables to see how it all works.

If you're usually using a curl library from a package supplied by one
of the common linux distributions, don't do that. Just install the
debug info packages for libcurl and any of its dependencies. Your
debugger should pick them up automatically. For fedora or RHEL,
For Debian/Ubuntu you can install the debug info packages one by one
(you'll probably have to use ldd and dpkg -S to determine which ones
you need) or you can just have gdb download them from the internet,
see I should hope that
solutions exist to achieve the same in Windows, macos or wherever
you're getting your curl library from. In the worst case, find out how
that library was built, and re-build the package after adding the
necessary flags to include debug info.

Received on 2024-05-31