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Re: Request for help on backporting a fix for HTTP2 HEAD (regression possibly still there on 8.7.1)

From: Samuel Henrique via curl-library <>
Date: Sat, 25 May 2024 12:03:32 +0100

Hello everyone,

> It looks like the regression is partially back, but at least we get the
> contents with the latest release. Should this also be tracked as a different
> issue?
> I did not run bisect to track when the error started showing up again, sorry, I
> didn't want to delay sending this mail any further.

I can't reproduce the issue with 8.8.0 anymore, so the only request left from
this thread is to help with a minimal patch to address the issue on 7.88.1,
where we found a patch that fixed the issue (the first time) on 8.1.0, but
that's changing other things as well:

But now, considering that the issue even came back after 8.1.0 and was fixed
again on 8.8.0, it's looking like any minimal patch for 7.88.1 is going to be
too complex. It seems that the only major distros that shipped within the
affected range of the first regression were Debian bookworm and SUSE 15.5.


Samuel Henrique <samueloph>
Received on 2024-05-25