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DNS cache

From: Babacar Ndiaye via curl-library <>
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 13:26:33 -0400


I am debugging an issue and need to better understand how the dns cache

1. The documentation says:

"Typically this means asking for both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and there may
be a whole set of those returned to libcurl. That set of addresses is then
tried until one works, or it returns failure."

Does this mean the cache will on remember one single address (the first one
that worked)?

2. Say we cache an entry and the name gets re-pointed to a new IP (service
moved to a new IP). Is your expectation that we'd get a code 7 (couldnt
connect to server) next time we try to reuse the IP?


Received on 2023-08-03