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Re: Adopting wcurl into the curl project?

From: Daniel Stenberg via curl-users <>
Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2024 17:34:04 +0200 (CEST)

On Sun, 4 Aug 2024, Daniel Feenberg wrote:

> One thought if you do go ahead with this. Instead of a new program, why not
> just have curl check the name by which it was called? If it was called as
> wget, act like wget. Then users wouldn't need an additional program, just a
> hard link or at worst a simple copy of the already installed curl binary.
> This also minimizes the ongoing effort of maintaining two packages.

We could. But that's talking about development of how to make or change wcurl
or how to take it further. That's a discussion and possible steps to do in the
wcurl project but if we don't adopt wcurl, then it's not a discussion for us
at all.

This said: several people have objected to that solution when proposed in the
past. I suppose partly because it is a bit weird and it doesn't work easily
everywhere. Also: it adds even more code to curl where if wcurl is done
separately it can grow and get developed independently of the curl tool
itself. I think that's attractive and makes for easier and faster

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Received on 2024-08-04