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Re: Adopting wcurl into the curl project?

From: Daniel Feenberg via curl-users <>
Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2024 07:00:12 -0400 (EDT)

On Sat, 3 Aug 2024, Daniel Stenberg via curl-users wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I would like to offer the wcurl tool to get adopted into the curl project as
> a new separate tool for the project to manage and offer to the world. If the
> maintainers and team behind it approve and think this is a good idea of
> course.

curl is one of a tiny handful of programs that are available in the
default install of essentially all widely used systems - Windows, OSX,
Linux and FreeBSD. I can reference curl in a script knowing that all my
users will have it installed, and I won't need me to tutor them to install
it. wcurl is unlikely to be present in a default install of (m)any of
these for decades, if ever.

I know wcurl will be available for free but many users are unable to
install software, either because of their employer's rules, their own
ignorance or simple inertia. The subscribers to this mailing list are not
typical users. A 2-character option for the same function is good enough
and much more important, is likely to be available to the majority of

One thought if you do go ahead with this. Instead of a new program, why
not just have curl check the name by which it was called? If it was called
as wget, act like wget. Then users wouldn't need an additional program,
just a hard link or at worst a simple copy of the already installed curl
binary. This also minimizes the ongoing effort of maintaining two

There is no need to be jealous of wget - because of curl's greater
availability it is the package that new users will pick up. Only existing
users of wget will continue to use wget (including myself), and they will
be an increasingly small share.

I hope no one interprets this a a criticism of wget - it is a great
program. To me, the most important reason I prefer curl is its wider
availability. That is a pretty important feature. It may be a consequence
of curl's greater coverage, but it is still a feature to be proud of.

The other widely available programs are ssh and a number of tiny utilities
such as cd, ping, and pwd. nslookup no longer comes with Linux, ftp no
longer comes with Windows. curl is in a very exclusive club.

Received on 2024-08-04