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Adopting wcurl into the curl project?

From: Daniel Stenberg via curl-users <>
Date: Sat, 3 Aug 2024 20:54:30 +0200 (CEST)

Hi everyone,

I would like to offer the wcurl tool to get adopted into the curl project as a
new separate tool for the project to manage and offer to the world. If the
maintainers and team behind it approve and think this is a good idea of

It seems more suitable to me than having it live in Debian.

For the ones who missed it: wcurl is a tool that downloads a file identified
by a URL on the command line. Without requiring any extra command line option.
wcurl is a shell script that ultimately invokes curl.

Consider this email is an invitation!

(If accepted, I would like to discuss the exact procedure and how to manage
the transfer in a separate thread.)

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Received on 2024-08-03