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Re: Adopting wcurl into the curl project?

From: Daniel Stenberg via curl-users <>
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2024 08:05:25 +0200 (CEST)

On Tue, 6 Aug 2024, Sergio Durigan Junior wrote:

> I'm not sure if you watched our Debian curl maintainers BoF during DebConf,
> but we discussed about that possibility there.

I saw it. (Thanks for doing that and for making the video available so
quickly.) I have also seen a lot of requests (from users in the wild) for
exactly this. It simply makes sense to me and to many others.

> I also mentioned that I'd like to rewrite wcurl in C and make it use libcurl
> natively. While having it in POSIX shell has benefits, I think having it in
> C would make it more robust in the long run. We're already having to deal
> with some shortcomings caused by the fact that it's written in shell script.

I totally get that and I support it. Inviting wcurl into the curl org does not
mean nor imply that I want to "take over" or "control" the development of it.
I primarily want to offer a different roof over wcurl's head so to speak. For
wcurl to join the merry curl family. I want to let you, the creators and
existing maintainers of wcurl, to continue doing what you're doing and let you
decide where to go next.

Of course I hope more contributors will join in and existing curl maintainers
are pretty good at doing that.

> Having said that, I also think that it is ready for production as is, so I
> don't have any reservations about incorporating the script into curl right
> now.

Then let's start there!

Some next steps as I see them:

- can we just transfer over the wcurl repository on GitHib from Debian to
   curl somehow? I'm open for setting up a meeting where we can sync up and
   make that happen.

- communication: is it enough to keep discussions about wcurl in GitHub
   discussions/issues and on this mailing list? It has worked out dececently
   okay for trurl, which has tested out the waters as a "new sibling" already.

- website presence. I propose we make "" a thing once it
   actually lives under the curl umbrella.

- as the wcurl license is already SPDX curl, I see no action required
   needed for that

- what else?

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Received on 2024-08-07