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Re: Two-letter options?

From: Jeremy Nicoll via curl-users <>
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2022 11:31:11 +0000

On Fri, 11 Mar 2022, at 10:25, Rainer Canavan via curl-users wrote:

> Alternatively, using just one additional letter would abbreviate
> --remove-on-error to --roe,
> which might be easier to remember.

I like this option, not least because (assuming that all the long options
have unique --xyz names) and assuming that as new long options are
added they too are given unique --xyz or even if needed -pqrs forms,
there's a much bigger potential number of them.

The -ff (and does that also mean separately -FF ?) options only allow
26 (or maybe 52) values, so
  - you might run out of them, eventually, and need/want yet
    another extension to support something else. It'd be better
    to aim at some method unlikely to run out

  - I'm against the idea of things being unnecessarily cryptic. The
    -xyz (or -pqrs etc if some of them need to be longer) options
    are easier to remember the meaning of, and also don't need
    someone trying to code a short option having to look up a
    list to see which one to use
Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.
Received on 2022-03-11