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From: bruce via curl-users <>
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2022 15:23:43 -0500

Hi .

Got a weird issue/question. I'm missing something simple, and can't
seem to get to the "aha" moment.

I've got a test XHR from a chrome extension with a POST packet.

I've used the basic "Curl" test to run the curl with the "-d"
postPacket from the linux cmdline. It works.

I've also decided to try copying the "same" postData" to a tmp file,
and to then use the "-d _at_tmp.dat" file process to test it out.

It appears I'm somehow getting en extra char!

The postData is a urlencoded(json_encoded)) array/json so the postData
is in encoded chars.

My simple srvr test is a php test, so I've done the usual "trim" for
the whitespaces with no luck.

So. I'm posting here in the hopes that someone might say something
that'll trigger my brain!

Received on 2022-01-07