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Having an issue with gnutls and libcurl 8.8.0

From: Robert Brose via curl-library <>
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2024 10:07:55 -0500

Upgrading some libraries going from curl 8.4.0 with gnutls 3.7.10
(stable at the time) and nettle 3.9 (stable at the time) to
curl 8.8.0 (stable when I started updating) with gnutls 3.7.11 (current
stable) and nettle 3.10 (current stable). Building on 64 bit debian

I specify curl_easy_setopt(m_cURLFile->handle.curl, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION,
My code hasn't changed between the working combo of curl 8.4.0/gnutls
3.7.10/nettle 3.9

but https connections no longer work unless I disable VERIFYPEER and
VERIFYHOST, they fail with error 43 otherwise. I specify the debian
ca-certificates.crt in the build as always.

Is there an issue with the combinations of curl versions and
gnutls/nettle versions? Is there a place I can find the minimum required
versions of these libraries?

Received on 2024-07-25