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Re: graceful shutdowns coming in 8.9.0

From: Dmitry Karpov via curl-library <>
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2024 21:35:22 +0000

Yes, the fix will definitely help.
I can see from Stefan's blog that aborted connections will not go through the regular TLS shutdown and thus they will be terminated faster.

This is the right thing to do for aborted connections, I was just thinking about an option when the same approach may be applied for other types of connection closures (too old etc).
So, while they will not be released as gracefully as they should, their resources may be released potentially faster.

Dmitry Karpov

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2024 2:05 PM
To: Dmitry Karpov via curl-library <>
Cc: Dmitry Karpov <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: graceful shutdowns coming in 8.9.0

On Thu, 27 Jun 2024, Dmitry Karpov via curl-library wrote:

> In memory constrained and slow systems, like embedded devices, saving
> a fraction of a second on resource releases (or several hundred
> milliseconds on slow devices) may be a very important benefit, which
> will overweigh potential delays in port reuses.
> That's why I suggested to have an option which would sacrifice faster
> port reuse but will allow to get faster connection resource release.

This fix also helps for such resource constrained situations. libcurl has always, since before Stefan's fixes, been sloppy at closing (TLS) connections and in situation where you end up with a large volume of closed connections you could find yourself unable to start new connections because of the wait states from the previous ones still lingering.

This fix should make us get faster connection resource release than before, because it helps shut down the TCP correctly so the TCP stack can release the resources quicker.

But we are open to adding options to allow tweaking and customizing of the options, sizes and timeouts involved if people actually run into situations where such are needed.

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Received on 2024-06-27