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Re: consistency in received headers

From: dogma via curl-library <>
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:31:40 +0000

On Wed, Jun 12, 2024 at 12:28:21AM +0200, Daniel Stenberg wrote:
> On Tue, 11 Jun 2024, dogma via curl-library wrote:
> > That’s what I saw with HTTP, as expected, like
> > callback "headerCRLF"
> > callback "headerCRLF"
> > callback "headerCRLF"
> > callback "CRLF"
> >
> > But with file, it was
> > callback "headerCRLF"
> > callback "headerCRLF"
> > callback "headerCRLFCRLF"
> Are you talking about file as in file:// ? They don't have headers.

Yes, file://

In lib/file.c, I can look in file_do(), and I see where it constructs a Content-Length header and an Accept-ranges header and a Last-Modified header.

Received on 2024-06-12