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Re: curl_multi_socket_action takes longer when using HTTPS

From: Daniel Stenberg via curl-library <>
Date: Wed, 29 May 2024 14:33:04 +0200 (CEST)

On Tue, 28 May 2024, Richa Shah wrote:

> - Is it possible the time spent in pruning dead connections is
> getting counted towards DNS resolution? Since thats the very
> first latency
> that curl tracks for handles, my guess is anything curl does before
> actually reaching the resolution part of the request gets counted within
> the "name lookup" time.

Yes, I think that might be correct.

> - The "prune_dead_connections" method is expected to be called at
> most once per second, and I do see that happening with my
> service as well.
> But given the high traffic I'm submitting to curl (~1000 or more HTTPS
> requests per second, all going to different URLs/IP addresses), we end up
> accumulating a lot of dead connections over time, and pruning
> ends up being
> a cost we have to pay before we can get to a request almost every second.
> Is it possible to somehow proactively prune dead connections?

This is just code so yes, everything is certainly possible. I don't have work
on this on my personal agenda though and I have not heard anyone else say they
work on it.

A first test-shot for you would perhaps be to increase the scan frequency from
once per second to maybe ten per second?

> Or can we prune in smaller batches so it doesn't end up adding too much time
> for an actual request?

If we can think of a better way to do it, then I think we should do it in a
better way! ;-)

A challenge with such a scheme is that it risks that the amount of actually
dead connections gradually increases because it closes them off too slowly.

> I also noticed that closing an SSL connection is
> expensive
> because there are some more calls that curl makes to the TLS
> library before
> it actually closes the connection, so closing 100+ connections at a time
> serially will add up to quite a bit of time.

The core problem here is really that getting 100+ connections that suddenly
are dead is an edge case libcurl is not optimized for. Typically, connections
die more spread out over time.

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Received on 2024-05-29