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Re: Increase in CPU usage in 8.7.1 vs 8.6.0 for rate-limited downloads

From: Dmitry Karpov via curl-library <>
Date: Wed, 15 May 2024 19:26:57 +0000

I just want to refresh that this commit helped to restore the precision of rate throttling.
Before it, the speed deviations from the limit were more than 10% in certain cases.

And depending on the network speed, they occurred on relatively big downloads (i.e. 5 MB) as well.

I think that CPU usage with this commit should be compared to previous releases, like 7.84.0, which had a quite precise speed limit.

Dmitry Karpov

From: curl-library <> On Behalf Of David Pfitzner via curl-library
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2024 4:04 AM
To: Daniel Stenberg <>
Cc: David Pfitzner <>; David Pfitzner via curl-library <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Increase in CPU usage in 8.7.1 vs 8.6.0 for rate-limited downloads

On Wed, May 15, 2024 at 5:31 PM Daniel Stenberg <<>> wrote:
On Wed, 15 May 2024, David Pfitzner via curl-library wrote:

> From testing, this change appears to be due to this commit:

So just reverting this single commit makes it "good" again?


> Perhaps it would be useful for a user of libcurl to be able to (somehow)
> control this tradeoff between rate-limiting accuracy and CPU usage?

Perhaps getting more data would be a first step. How big difference in
rate-limit accuracy does this commit make in your case?
I have not looked at that carefully, but casually I don't see much difference if any. But possibly closer inspection may find a systematic difference. I also suspect one may see bigger differences in some regime different to what I'm looking at - eg, smaller files.

-- David

Received on 2024-05-15