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Update on ECH

From: Niall O'Reilly via curl-library <>
Date: Wed, 01 May 2024 20:49:15 +0100

On 2 Apr 2024, at 21:47, Stephen Farrell via curl-library wrote:

> - the handling of HTTPS RRs is relatively basic for
> now, but improving on that would likely be better as
> a separate PR anyway

After discussion with Stephen, I began to look at what
we thought should be the next improvement to handling
these RRs. This was dealing with HTTPS RRsets
according to the *Priority* field of the RDATA, rather
than in whatever order they occurred in the DNS

The special case of *AliasMode* (*Priority=0*)
HTTPS RRs seemed like a good place to start, and
has working code for chasing a (limited) chain of
AliasMode RRs.

Next steps, in no particular order, will probably

- testing and debugging against some alias chains
  that Stephen is planning to set up on the
  ** webserver,

- making use of the *ipv4hint* and *ipv6hint*
  service parameters in case no *A* or *AAAA*
  records are available,

- placing additional *A* and *AAAA* queries
  to resolve addresses for the Target host,

- adding support for ordered RRsets,

- exploring re-use for additional DNS queries
  of the DOH TLS sessions as an alternative to
  the current single-session-per-query model,

- exploring filtering of the HTTPS RRsets
  according to whether the advertised set of
  service parameters matched the capabilities

- (probably in the longer term) adding HTTPS RR
  support to other "DNS backends" in libcurl.

As I can't make it to the **curl up** meeting this
weekend, I hope that people will follow up by email.
I wish all the participants a productive and
enjoyable couple of days.

Best regards,
Niall O'Reilly

Received on 2024-05-01