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HTTP/3 towards non-experimental

From: Daniel Stenberg via curl-library <>
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2023 10:20:36 +0200 (CEST)

Hi friends,

ngtcp2 and nghttp3 are the foundation for the most mature HTTP/3 solution
currently available for curl.

They have now both been released in 1.0.0 versions and say they will stop
breaking the API every so often. I believe this is the moment we have been
waiting for when we as well can move towards non-experimental HTTP/3 support,
based on these libraries.

curl also supports HTTP/3 using two other backends (quiche and msh3), but as
they are still labeling themselves as "beta" and using unstable APIs, I do not
consider them ready for prime time yet.

There are some steps left to do to get this done:

1. Make sure we test with 1.0.0 in CI:

2. Update documentation so that the non-ngtcp2 HTTP/3 solutions remain marked
    experimental but the ngtcp2 is not.

3. Check for and use ngtcp2 by default.

4. Ship a curl release with the above. It seems doable already for 8.5.0.

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Received on 2023-10-16