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Apology for Breaking CVE-2023-38545 Embargo

From: Jacek Migacz via curl-library <>
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2023 15:17:02 +0200

Dear Curl Community,

I am writing to extend my sincerest apologies for a breach of
CVE-2023-38545 embargo that occurred recently. I deeply regret my actions,
and I understand the gravity of the situation and the trust that has been
broken. First and foremost, I want to express my regret to the entire
upstream community for my behavior. I violated the embargo agreement that
was in place, and I understand that such agreements are essential for the
security and stability of the community and the project as a whole. I am
committed to learning from this experience and taking steps to ensure that
it does not happen again in the future. I understand that trust takes time
to rebuild, and I am fully committed to regaining your confidence. I will
be more diligent in my commitment to upholding community guidelines and
agreements and will work hard to regain your trust through my future

Thank you for your understanding.

Jacek Migacz <>

Received on 2023-10-12