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Re: Adding a new --option to the tool

From: Dan Fandrich via curl-library <>
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2023 10:35:11 -0700

On Mon, Aug 28, 2023 at 08:11:14PM +0300, Florents Tselai via curl-library wrote:
> Is there any documentation / how to on the process I’d need to follow to add a
> new option to the tool ?
> Particularly the sequence of files / function / macros I’d need to

There are lots of documentation in the docs/ directory, including general
development tips, contribution guidelines and something more specifically on
adding a new protocol, but I don't think there's something exactly on that.
What I would do is just search for a particular option in the code (--etag-save
is probably a good one because there shouldn't be many false positives) and
following the trail starting with what you find.

> Specifically I’m working on a new - - warc-file flag which should be similar
> to —outputt or —etag-save .

I suggest bringing up a proposal to this list (or the curl tool list) to get some
feedback before spending too much time developing it if your goal is to push it
upstream. I personally think WARC a good idea but it would be a shame if after
finishing it you found pushback because it's not a good fit for the curl tool,
or were asked for major design changes because of reasons (like we'd prefer
WACZ instead, for example).
Received on 2023-08-28