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Re: Curl segfault in curl_multi_perform

From: Richard W.M. Jones via curl-library <>
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2023 10:41:34 +0100

^^ This is the output when nbdkit / curl crashes, with CURLOPT_VERBOSE == 1.

For a bit of background, there are about 270 threads which have
submitted an easy handle to the background thread. The background
thread adds these to a single multi handle and processes it in a loop:

Looking at the core dump, it seems there are 117 easy handles on the
multi when it crashes:

(gdb) print *(struct Curl_multi *)multi
$3 = {magic = 764702, easyp = 0x7fccbc001010, easylp = 0x7fca78001010,
  num_easy = 117, num_alive = 117, msglist = {head = 0x0, tail = 0x0,
    dtor = 0x0, size = 0}, pending = {head = 0x0, tail = 0x0, dtor = 0x0,
    size = 0}, msgsent = {head = 0x0, tail = 0x0, dtor = 0x0, size = 0},
  socket_cb = 0x0, socket_userp = 0x0, push_cb = 0x0, push_userp = 0x0,
  hostcache = {table = 0x7fcd5c006c50,
    hash_func = 0x7fcd6d4e1150 <Curl_hash_str>,
    comp_func = 0x7fcd6d4e2df0 <Curl_str_key_compare>,
    dtor = 0x7fcd6d4e11d0 <freednsentry>, slots = 71, size = 1}, psl = {
    psl = 0x0, expires = 0, dynamic = false}, timetree = 0x7fca78001ec8,
  ssl_backend_data = 0x0, sockhash = {table = 0x0,
    hash_func = 0x7fcd6d4f6380 <hash_fd>,
    comp_func = 0x7fcd6d4f6370 <fd_key_compare>,
    dtor = 0x7fcd6d4f6360 <sh_freeentry>, slots = 911, size = 0},
  conn_cache = {hash = {table = 0x7fcd5c005d20,
      hash_func = 0x7fcd6d4e1150 <Curl_hash_str>,
      comp_func = 0x7fcd6d4e2df0 <Curl_str_key_compare>,
      dtor = 0x7fcd6d4c92c0 <Curl_resolver_cleanup>, slots = 97, size = 1},
    num_conn = 5, next_connection_id = 5, next_easy_id = 133, last_cleanup = {
      tv_sec = 3012568, tv_usec = 71694}, closure_handle = 0x558655710cf0},
  maxconnects = -1, max_host_connections = 0, max_total_connections = 16,
  timer_cb = 0x0, timer_userp = 0x0, timer_lastcall = {tv_sec = 0,
    tv_usec = 0}, max_concurrent_streams = 100, wakeup_pair = {3, 4},
  ipv6_up = 2 '\002', multiplexing = 1, recheckstate = 0, in_callback = 0,
  ssl_seeded = 0, dead = 0}

I can reproduce the problem very readily. The problem for
reproduction is not building nbdkit, but having a local HTTP/2 server
with a sufficiently large file (10GB in this case). The reproducer
command (run from the nbdkit build directory) is:

$ ./nbdkit -r -U - curl http-version=2.0 --run 'nbdcopy -p $uri null: --connections=16 ' -fv -D curl.verbose=1


Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat
Read my programming and virtualization blog:
nbdkit - Flexible, fast NBD server with plugins
Received on 2023-07-31