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libcurl 8.0.1 and mem leaks reported on callback - windows x64 build

From: Tyler Wilson via curl-library <>
Date: Sat, 8 Apr 2023 12:58:12 -0400

Hi everyone,

I'm still learning, but I'm hoping you can help.

I have libcurl up and running and love it. But, I'm seeing memory leaks
and not sure if it's me or something else.

- Windows platform x64, with Visual Studio 2022.
- Downloaded source code from curl website as a .gz file.
- Building according to win instructions using Native Tools:

   1. *nmake /f mode=dll MACHINE=x64 WITH_SSL=no DEBUG=no*

I have a very simple program that sends data to Mockbin. It responds with
the payload I sent plus a whole lot more.

When my program is done though, VS2022 CRT debug tools claim that there is
a memory leak. Looking at the debug output, it's coming from the response
that I'm getting from Mockbin.

'curlmemleakexample.exe' (Win32): Unloaded
Detected memory leaks!
Dumping objects ->
{160} normal block at 0x000002181100D260, 2496 bytes long.
 Data: < { > 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 7B 0A 20 20 20 20 20
{159} normal block at 0x00000218110062C0, 16 bytes long.
 Data: <_at_d > 40 64 80 A5 F6 7F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Object dump complete.

The data above is the response from Mockbin based on the length of the
bytes and what I saw come back from Wireshark over HTTP. I am calling
global_init before my program starts, and calling global_free when I'm
done. I have pasted my sample of code at the following link:

Why would I still be getting reported memory leaks on the information from
the callback? Is it because my callback is a global function? Am I maybe
not understanding something about the API and maybe it requires the
function to do something different?

Many thanks in advance for your help and assistance. I hope I was able to
give you enough details.


Received on 2023-04-08