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Re: building curl on macos

From: Daniel Stenberg via curl-library <>
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2021 23:51:53 +0200 (CEST)

On Thu, 10 Jun 2021, Dave via curl-library wrote:

> Am I right in assuming that $PREFIX_OPENSSL would be set by this?
> ./configure --with-ssl=$openssldir/builds/osx/release

Yes. And that should be the prefix to where you installed OpenSSL.

And note that we prefer --with-openssl now instead of--with-ssl to make it
more explicit what you're asking for. The latter one will be removed at some
point in time.

> The path I am passing (see my original email) does indeed have a ssl.h at
> $openssldir/builds/osx/release/include/openssl/ssl.h
> The error though is not about the ../osx/release folder, but a
> .../osx/debug folder next to it, which doesn't exist.
> Nor am I telling any script to look for a debug folder as far as I am aware.

I can't explain that. Here's the configure code that checks for the header:

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Received on 2021-06-10