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How are folks handling HTTP3 TLS?

From: Billy O'Neal \(VC AIR\) via curl-distros <"Billy>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2024 06:25:43 +0000

Hi there folks!

Thanks to the curl maintainers for creating this mailing list 🙂

I am here representing vcpkg by proxy of a contributor who is trying to add http3 support in our curl port:

We have had problems trying to onboard this feature due to some limitations in how curl handles TLS backends and how they interact with http3, and quirks of how 'features' work in the vcpkg universe.

The biggest thing for 'features' is that they must be truly options, they can't control mutually exclusive settings or similar, because there is no way for a customer to assert that a feature is off​. That curl allows selecting multiple TLS backends at runtime is why curl is pretty much the only port in our registry which has features for different TLS backends.

Unfortunately, trying to turn on HTTP3 disables curl's ability to select TLS backends at runtime, which would make a hypothetical HTTP3 feature mutually exclusive with all the other TLS backend features. Thus we are stuck in the unfortunate position of removing all the TLS backend features to add the HTTP3 feature, or refusing to add the HTTP3 feature for now.

I did some testing on several Linux distros and found that nobody seems to enable HTTP3 yet. How are other distros looking to resolve this problem, if at all?


Billy O'Neal
Visual C++ - vcpkg
curl-distros mailing list
Received on 2024-03-26