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Re: configure 8.6.0 with a non-standard openssl path?

From: Zube via curl-users <>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2024 13:35:43 -0600

> Take a look at config.log to see the compiler command-line that's failing and
> what the error is. Keep in mind:
> - if you're using --with-openssl, the path points to the location of a standard
> OpenSSL install directory hieararch, not a bare library
> - if you're using PKG_CONFIG_PATH, the path given must point to the directory
> containing the openssl.pc file

Thank you for the suggestions. I had been doing both correctly.

Turns out that on debian 12.5, one needs the psl bits for curl to
configure correctly. I installed libpsl5 and libpsl-dev and everything
worked after that.

The reason I didn't catch it is that I have a script that does the
configure bits and then a make. The curl distribution comes with a
Makefile already there, something I didn't expect. My expectation is
(now: was) that a Makefile would exist only if the configure script
successfully completed. So when the configure script failed due to
the missing psl, make tried to build from the Makefile already there,
giving the same error every time.

Received on 2024-03-26