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Re: {"code":"INVALID_RECORDS", "fields":[{"code":"INVALID_RECORDS", "message":"Invalid [name] provided for record data

From: Timothe Litt <>
Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2022 06:14:09 -0400

On 26-Oct-22 04:56, Kaushal Shriyan via curl-users wrote:
> Hi,
> I have the below bash shell script
> #!/bin/bash
> echo "Please enter the domain name to be added"
> read domainname
> echo "Fully qualified domain name to be added is
> ${domainname} <>"
> echo "Please enter the IP Address to be added"
> read ipaddress
> curl -X PATCH \
>   -H "Authorization: sso-key xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:xxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
>   -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
>   --data '[{"type": "A","name": "$domainname","data":
> "$ipaddress","ttl": 600}]'
> {"code":"INVALID_RECORDS","fields":[{"code":"INVALID_RECORDS","message":"Invalid
> [name] provided for record data,
> [$domainname].","path":"records"}],"message":"One or more of the given
> records is invalid","errors":["Invalid [name] provided for record
> data, [$domainname]."]}
> I am encountering INVALID_RECORDS as per the above output. Please
> guide me. Thanks in advance.
> Best Regards,
> Kaushal

The answer is in the error message.  "$domainname" is an invalid [name]
in the data.  This is a shell usage issue.

The argument to --data is delimited by single quotes, which inhibits
variable expansion.

If you want to do it this way, use double quotes - you will then need to
backslash-escape the quotes in the JSON.

e.g. --data "[{\" ...}]"

Alternatively, use --data _at_filename; you can create the file many ways -
a here-is document can do expansion and minimize the quotes.  e.g.
-|-data _at_- <<EOF|

|[{"type": "A","name": "$domainname","data": "$ipaddress","ttl": 600}]|


Timothe Litt
ACM Distinguished Engineer
This communication may not represent the ACM or my employer's views,
if any, on the matters discussed.

Received on 2022-10-26