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Re: Why did CentOS 8.x curl drop ldap url support?

From: Alex via curl-users <>
Date: Fri, 1 Apr 2022 11:17:01 +0200


On Thu, 31 Mar 2022 23:13:11 -0500
Jamshid Afshar via curl-users <> wrote:

> I'm hoping someone on curl-users knows why CentOS 8, and probably
> RedHat 8.x, have dropped "ldap" support in their pre-installed curl?
> It now reports:
> curl: (1) Protocol "ldap" not supported or disabled in libcurl
> Was it a conscious decision, maybe to reduce attack surface, or save a
> few bytes?
> I should post this to a CentOS forum but I don't have much luck there.
> Curl's support for ldap is really helpful when diagnosing network and
> configuration issues. Remember ldap urls can include search
> parameters.
> I see ldap support is in Fedora's curl (see below tests using docker),
> so maybe support will come back to centos 8.x?
> Thanks,
> Jamshid
> ==========================
> # centos 8 curl dropped support for ldap, it is in centos 7.
> % docker run -ti centos:8 bash
> [root_at_d23ca25a38cb /]# curl ldap://
> curl: (1) Protocol "ldap" not supported or disabled in libcurl
> [root_at_d23ca25a38cb /]# curl -V
> curl 7.61.1 (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.61.1 OpenSSL/1.1.1g
> zlib/1.2.11 nghttp2/1.33.0
> Release-Date: 2018-09-05
> Protocols: dict file ftp ftps gopher http https imap imaps pop3 pop3s
> rtsp smb smbs smtp smtps telnet tftp
> Features: AsynchDNS IPv6 Largefile GSS-API Kerberos SPNEGO NTLM
> NTLM_WB SSL libz TLS-SRP HTTP2 UnixSockets HTTPS-proxy Metalink
> # Fedora still has ldap support, maybe that means it will come back in centos
> 8? % docker run -ti fedora:latest bash
> [root_at_5a056cca9b75 /]# curl ldap://
> DN:
> objectClass: top
> objectClass: OpenLDAProotDSE
> [root_at_5a056cca9b75 /]# curl -V
> curl 7.79.1 (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.79.1
> OpenSSL/1.1.1l-fips zlib/1.2.11 brotli/1.0.9 libidn2/2.3.2
> libpsl/0.21.1 (+libidn2/2.3.2) libssh/0.9.6/openssl/zlib
> nghttp2/1.45.1 OpenLDAP/2.4.59
> Release-Date: 2021-09-22
> Protocols: dict file ftp ftps gopher gophers http https imap imaps
> ldap ldaps mqtt pop3 pop3s rtsp scp sftp smb smbs smtp smtps telnet
> tftp
> Features: alt-svc AsynchDNS brotli GSS-API HSTS HTTP2 HTTPS-proxy IDN
> IPv6 Kerberos Largefile libz NTLM NTLM_WB PSL SPNEGO SSL TLS-SRP
> UnixSockets
> [root_at_5a056cca9b75 /]#

Pay attention that Fedora have a initiative to reduce the default curl to a
curl minimal install which will not have ldap support by default.

That's the info from Daniel about this topic.

Received on 2022-04-01