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curl option for specifying more client certificates

From: Eero Aaltonen via curl-users <>
Date: Mon, 07 Mar 2022 18:55:17 +0200

Dear list,

I have an Aventra PKCS#15 smart card, which exposes private keys and
certificates via a PKCS#11 API. The card has been been initialized with
a personal key and certificate + intermediate and Root CA certificates.

I tried to use curl to make request to a server that requires client
certificate authentication. I was able to make a request with

curl --engine pkcs11 --key-type ENG --key PKCS11KEYURI --cert-type ENG

The problems are that:
* only the leaf certificate is sent in the request
* The PKCS#11 v2.40 API, species that a CKO_CERTIFICATE can have (a
single) "X.509 public key certificate"
* I do not see any way to specify additional client certificates for
the request

Running curl 7.68 on Ubuntu 20.04, but I don't see anything on

So I think being able to use PKCS#11 tokens for client authentication
will require either:
* changing '--cert' option so that it can be specified multiple times
(and applied)
* or adding a new option for specifying additional certificates.

If some version of curl accepts using a key from an OpenSSL engine and
a certificate bundle from a file, then that would be also serve as a
band aid. curl 7.68 does not seem to accept that.

Kind regards,
Eero Aaltonen
Received on 2022-03-07