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curl and etag usage (--etag-save and --etag-compare)?

From: jacques granduel via curl-users <>
Date: Sun, 6 Mar 2022 13:29:46 +0100

 Hi Curl Community,

and this was another question about etag usage posted on StackOverFlow
without any answer.
I reproduce the question hereafter:

Somehow related to how-to-use-curl-z-parallel-effectively
I need to download thousands of documents, but the server manages *etags*.
As of version curl-7.68, curl has 2 options for dealing with etags (--etag-save
<file> and --etag-compare <file>). So etags can be saved for later
comparisons. But it seems that the only built way is to use an etag file
per downloaded file, which is cumbersome. Is there a way to pass only the
etag value? or a key-value file with all etags? Should I resort to -H
'If-None-Match: <etag>' as described curl-and-etag-usage

What's the best way to use --etag-save/--etag-compare with thousands

Thanks again. Best regards.

Received on 2022-03-06