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Re: curl command ignoring Actions= text?
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From: Ray Satiro via curl-users <>
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2021 17:34:17 -0400
On 10/19/2021 2:43 PM, Werner L. Stolz via curl-users wrote:
> We have a website from which we pull files every day. Over the
> weekend this site updated their certificates. We tested on Sunday and
> there
> were no issues.
> Today, when we try to pull files, we get the following error message:
> 'Action' should be <getList> or <getFile> or <getSignature> or
> <updateList>
> But, when I look at the curl command we are issuing, it looks like this:
> I have replaced IP addresses and passwords with generic text for security.
> curl -b cookies.wls.txt -c cookies.wls.txt --cert file.pem:password -k
> -x ip.of.socks.proxy:port -d 'Action=getList&Sender=Vendx'
> _
> <>
> -o list.wls.txt
> The “Action=getList” is clearly present in the command line, so does
> anyone have any ideas why we would get this message?
> We are running this from a shell script under UNIX. We made no changes
> to our process over the weekend, in fact the script is still dated 2017.
It looks like more was changed than just the server certificates. That
error message is from the server, not curl. You will have to review
their API to determine if you are sending the correct data. Also, don't
use -k it disables SSL verification [1].
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2021 17:34:17 -0400
On 10/19/2021 2:43 PM, Werner L. Stolz via curl-users wrote:
> We have a website from which we pull files every day. Over the
> weekend this site updated their certificates. We tested on Sunday and
> there
> were no issues.
> Today, when we try to pull files, we get the following error message:
> 'Action' should be <getList> or <getFile> or <getSignature> or
> <updateList>
> But, when I look at the curl command we are issuing, it looks like this:
> I have replaced IP addresses and passwords with generic text for security.
> curl -b cookies.wls.txt -c cookies.wls.txt --cert file.pem:password -k
> -x ip.of.socks.proxy:port -d 'Action=getList&Sender=Vendx'
> _
> <>
> -o list.wls.txt
> The “Action=getList” is clearly present in the command line, so does
> anyone have any ideas why we would get this message?
> We are running this from a shell script under UNIX. We made no changes
> to our process over the weekend, in fact the script is still dated 2017.
It looks like more was changed than just the server certificates. That
error message is from the server, not curl. You will have to review
their API to determine if you are sending the correct data. Also, don't
use -k it disables SSL verification [1].
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