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Re: I need help getting a web page

From: ToddAndMargo via curl-users <>
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2021 14:02:43 -0700

On 10/12/21 06:51, Hans Henrik Bergan via curl-users wrote:

> yeah..
>  also keep in mind that &quot; must be translated to " and &#039; must
> be translated to ' and &lt; must be translated to < and &gt; must be
> translated to > and &nbsp; must be translated to   and &iexcl; must be

Fortunately, I have never had to deal with that
find of stuff.

      ( $WebPage, $PageStatus ) = CurlGetWebSite( $HttpRevDir );
       # <a class="commit-row-message it...2d85701a3">virtio-win:
rebase on 0.164</a>

       $NewRev = $WebPage;
       $NewRev ~~ s/ .*? "virtio-win: rebase on " //;
       $NewRev ~~ s/ ('</a>') .* //;

And out pops the revision. I am really good at carving
web pages up.

Cool list. Thank you! I am going to save it
in a cheat sheet.
Received on 2021-10-12