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Re: Problem AFFINITY in Windows 10/32

From: Ray Satiro via curl-users <>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2020 16:42:20 -0400

On 10/28/2020 6:48 AM, Truněček via curl-users wrote:
> DOS applications create and run a batch file with the following contents:
> _at_echo off
> G: \ STEREO28 \ _SPEC \ CURL \ CURL.EXE --create-dirs --cacert G: \ STEREO28
> \ _SPEC \ CURL \ cacert.pem -S -G -B -d "year = 2020" https: // www
> / en / financni_trhy / devizovy_trh / kurzy_devizoveho_trhu / rok.txt -o G:
> \ STEREO28 \ _WWWW \ KURZ2020.TXT
> If I start the application with the shortcut on the desktop with the command
> "G: \ STEREO28 \ S.BAT", the file download works correctly. If I use the
> AFFINITY parameter in the shortcut ("C: \ Windows \ System32 \ cmd.exe / C
> start / affinity 1 G: \ STEREO28 \ S.BAT"), CURL.EXE reports an error "(35)
> Unknown SSL protocol error in connection ".
> For completeness, I present the contents of the "S.BAT" file, which is a
> simple launch of a 16-bit interpreter and its application:
> "G: \ STEREO28 \ UFAND.EXE G: \ STEREO28 \ S.RDB" and the fact that in
> Windows 7/32 this problem was not.

That doesn't sound like a curl problem. This works for me:

start /affinity 1 curl -v -o NUL

Can you narrow it down any further?

Received on 2020-10-28