curl / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail
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How to find return code/exit code after sending a mail command

From: Jason Liam via curl-users <>
Date: Sun, 11 Oct 2020 09:25:59 +0530

 I am sending a mail using the command described in the docs and i want to
know the status of the command that is ,Is the mail sent successfully?How
can i do that?Below is an example command i am using and the screenshot and
i notice that the connection is left intact .How can i close the connection
after success.So basically,
I am sending mail to my gmail account from my gmail account and the mail is
sent successfully but i want to know the return status of the command so
that i can utilize it afterwards.In this case the connection is left intact
at the end and i want to know how to find if the mail is sent successfully
or not and also how to close this connect left intact.
curl smtp:// --mail-from --mail-rcpt --upload-file email.txt



(image/png attachment: Screenshot__5271_.png)

Received on 2020-10-11