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Re: CURL support of OS400 (IBMi)

From: Patrick Monnerat via curl-library <>
Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2024 14:57:55 +0200

On 7/24/24 10:55, Andrew Kirillovs via curl-library wrote:
> “The "curl" command and the test environment are currently not
> supported on OS/400.”
This comment should have been modified last year:

- curl library is supported on OS400 since Aug 23, 2007

- the cli tool since Aug 30, 2023
your mail is the first feedback about it since then.

- The test programs and dummy servers may be compiled but the test suite
is not operational, being perl-driven.

> After following all build instructions and making sure QADRT in
> installed on the system, I see that output from “curl” command is
> unreadable. So, I was wondering if we are missing something in the way
> we build/run it,
Yes, probably: I suspect a CCSID problem as it is always the case on
this OS :-(

I don't know how you have tested the curl command, but be aware that
defining (matching) job/5250/files CCSIDs AND locale is of first
importance. Don't rely on the FFFF CCSID, even if there is a default one.

Obviously you did it right for compilation since you got the final objects.

Likewise, since they run, this is a call time problem.

> or “curl” tool is missing OS400 support.
The whole OS400 port does! Not from the current curl developer community
that freely does more than what is reasonable for a
niche/closed-source/commerial platform, but from the people/company that
finally take advantages of it.



Received on 2024-07-24