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Re: CURL support of OS400 (IBMi)

From: Patrick Monnerat via curl-library <>
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2024 21:16:11 +0200

On 7/25/24 14:50, Andrew Kirillovs wrote:
> Hello Patrick,
> Thank you for your update of the OS400 status.
> Running curl from QSH, I see output is a bit random. –version looks
> broken. –help is coming a bit, but options are missing.
> I would of think that if it was purely CCSID problem, then none of it
> would be readable.
Sorry, but I can't reproduce on V7R5.

The only weird thing I have is some output lines (only curl-generated
lines, not data lines) are joined in the QSH output, as in:

> cd curl-install/bin
  > ./curl --version
    curl 8.9.0-DEV (OS/400) libcurl/8.9.0-DEV
    Release-Date: [unreleased]
    Protocols: dict file ftp gopher http imap ipfs ipns ldap mqtt pop3
rtsp smb smtp telnet tftpFeatures: alt-svc GSS-API HSTS IPv6 K
    erberos Largefile NTLM SPNEGO UnixSockets$
  > ./curl --help
    Usage: curl [options...] <url> -d, --data <data>           HTTP POST
     -h, --help <category>       Get help for commands
     -f, --fail                  Fail fast with no output on HTTP error
     -i, --include Include response headers in output
     -o, --output <file>         Write to file instead of stdout
     -O, --remote-name           Write output to file named as remote file
     -s, --silent                Silent mode
     -T, --upload-file <file>    Transfer local FILE to destination
     -u, --user <user:password>  Server user and password
     -A, --user-agent <name>     Send User-Agent <name> to server
     -v, --verbose               Make the operation more talkative
     -V, --version               Show version number and quit

    This is not the full help; this menu is split into categories.
    Use "--help category" to get an overview of all categories, which
are:auth, connection, curl, deprecated, dns, file, ftp, global,
     http, imap, ldap,
    output, pop3, post, proxy, scp, sftp, smtp, ssh, telnet, tftp,
timeout, tls,
    upload, verbose.
    For all options use the manual or "--help all".$

I don't know why yet, but I wouldn't say it's unreadable. I suspect the
puts() implementation of QADRT, but that does not explain your problem.

Which version are you using? If it's a development one, please tell us
the checkout date/time. Thanks.

For bug reports, I suggest you use
or write your mail to the list with info requested on this page. Thanks.

BTW: did you try some true request, something like 'curl'?

> -----------
>                                                        $
> > curl --manual
>    Warning: built-in manual was disabled at build-time
>    $
> -----------
This one is normal: there is no tool on the OS/400 to build the manual,
thus it's disabled!


Received on 2024-07-25