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Re: Thoughts about upstreaming wcurl

From: Dan Fandrich via curl-library <>
Date: Fri, 5 Jul 2024 20:32:39 -0700

On Thu, Jul 04, 2024 at 11:23:43PM +0100, Samuel Henrique wrote:
> The purpose of wcurl is partly defined by the fact that it's not upstream, so:
> * To be a command that lets users download files without having to pass any
> parameters, using curl;

This goal, strictly as written, applies to curl as well.

> Do I understand correctly that you're saying wcurl is close to what you have in
> mind, only missing the nice parameters you gave as an example? It sounds like
> what you had in mind is also a simple portable script (but with its own
> parameters instead of doing the -o wrapping).

wcurl currently doesn't do much more than a shell alias, so it's not at all
like the tool I envisioned. My idea in a nutshell is a wget clone (as far as it
can be cloned given the following constraint) of all features provided by curl
and no more. That restricts the tool to basically command-line option
translation and allows it to be written in highly-portable Bourne shell. But,
since wget, when you run it without options, just downloads a file to disk, my
made-up tool would work very similarly (identically?) to wcurl when given just
a URL.

Received on 2024-07-06