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Re: Thoughts about upstreaming wcurl

From: Stefan Eissing via curl-library <>
Date: Fri, 5 Jul 2024 10:45:10 +0200

> Am 05.07.2024 um 10:27 schrieb Daniel Stenberg via curl-library <>:
> On Thu, 4 Jul 2024, Samuel Henrique via curl-library wrote:
>> Since I'm seeing some requests for curl to start shipping wcurl
> I would not mind doing so, but I also don't think we need to rush to it if we decide to do it.
> It is fine to first give this effort a little time to see what happens to it and what the reaction and feedback from the community is. How it develops next - if at all.
> A benefit of letting it grow wings outside of curl itself is that people involved might feel freer to experiment and try out things.
> I will listen to what people say.

Feeling much the same way here. Not a wget user myself, I cannot comment on what specific feature are needed/useful etc. But I hear people being very positive about 'wcurl' and that is nice. It is very early and it will be interesting to see what feedback Samuel gets and what other distros think.

If it gains traction, curl could offer hosting it as an experimental feature, just like others. To allow for experimentation and breaking changes. If Samuel or someone else wants to make this an independent project hosted somewhere else, that would of course also be fine.

Should this evolve really into its own binary, it would depend. It could then be more like "trurl", meriting its own project (inside or outside the "curl" mothership. If outside, maybe the name would be leaning a bit too much into the curl brand).

Personally, I can see myself using wcurl more or less as it is now. Just to avoid the '-LO'. I am lazy and not a fan of shell aliases... =)

Received on 2024-07-05