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Re: Hyper as a HTTP backend

From: Daniel Stenberg via curl-library <>
Date: Sat, 21 Nov 2020 20:06:51 +0100 (CET)

On Sun, 4 Oct 2020, Daniel Stenberg via curl-library wrote:

> I've taken on a project to make curl able to use Hyper as an optional HTTP
> backend in curl. Hyper is a HTTP library written in Rust.

This work has been progressing pretty well recently (but there are still lots
of work left). You can follow my progress almost daily in my log that update
in the curl wiki:

My current plan is to merge the first series of Hyper patches into master
after the pending release - pretty much independently of how much that works
and doesn't work. The main reason is that I've had to refactor lib/http.c
quite substantially for Hyper and the longer this huge thing lives on in a
separate branch, the larger problems I will have with merge collisions going

Hyper is of course experimental still and is an opt-in at build time so that
merge *should* not interfer with a non-Hyper build - but I'll still do it in
the feature window period to allow us time to make sure that is really true.

The http.c refactoring also comes with an upside for non-Hyper users: it
splits up the far too big Curl_http() function into a set of several smaller
functions with more focused functionality.

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Received on 2020-11-21