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Pycurl follow redirects and extentions

From: Feilpe Restrepo via curl-and-python <>
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 2020 20:57:19 -0500


I have been searching without success about how to intercept location
redirect and allow or not to surf that page with pycurl.
I have the FOLLOWLOCATION set in True and the HEADERFUNCTION working, but
once the FOLLOWLOCATION is on, I can't stop a redirect.
The context is, I am making a crawler and some pages will have a redirect
in its headers but not in the body, so I want to validate that in the
extension of the new URL set in the location header there will be not
[.png, .jpg, etc.]

I think this is not really usual, but it's possible, so I want to avoid a
redirect to that type of content.

I know that I can filter by Content-Type image in the headers but at that
moment the page has sent the response and it will reside in the memory of
the device and I want to avoid that.

Best Regards :)


Received on 2020-12-08